Traveling? These Tips Help in Taking Next Level Photos of Your Adventures


Taking photos of your travels makes the memories last forever. With Facebook and Instagram, there are more reasons why you should take photos of your activities while exploring stunning places and destinations. Here are some useful tips from a known travel-photographer to take next-level photos of your next travel adventure.

Download the best photo apps

Cameras on smartphones are now more reliable and work better in low light and usually with features that people love to see and use. Alongside, better built-in camera features, there are also excellent apps that help users make the most of the camera. For Android phones, there is Camera MX that has a GIF mode in making your own GIF’s. The app is good for simple stuff and for not so serious photographers. If you’re an Instagram fan, Cole Rise’s Rise, the filter is for that “unedited-edited look”. Cole is a famous travel-photographer and his huge Instagram followers can enjoy instagram-worth photos exactly like his gorgeous Instagram photos by downloading Rise, the filter app that he has created for Instagram-worth photos. When downloading your photos app, take time in choosing what you want and need, and make sure your choices have filters, various photo modes, and the essential HD mode. You can also try some for free before paying for the pro version to get the most from it.

Know and practice the art of subtle editing

One way is brightening shadows and toning down highlights. This will give better balance. Use the editing app for adjusting highlights and shadow. Use it when taking landscape photos. Doing so helps in bringing out image’s warm hues and brighter and more toned photos. Adding vignette and an up shadow results in increased brightness. You do this when you’re in doubt or when the image is dark. If you’re editing, do it lightly and edit the image as normal. When using filter, reduce its intensity to get rid of the photoshopped images.

Use photography tricks

Pro photographers do and use photography tricks to achieve the results they want. You can take some of the tricks if you want to take photos of travels to a next level. If you’re taking a landscape, use humans to create a feeling. It adds personality to the photos. People also help in creating a sense of scale. People at photos help showcase magnitude, intensity and sense of how big for example the reclining Buddha of Wat Po, Bangkok or the Gaza pyramid. Trying to shoot in burst mode is perfect in creating some motion effects of your photos. iPhone users simply press and hold their phones’ shutter to take photos in burst mode while Samsung phones have the Burst Shot to achieve this trick. There are also a lot of things you can to add visual interest to your photos. One is setting your phone on the roof of your car or bringing your phone to the edge of waters for some reflective effects. If you’re posting the photos to Instagram, it’s best to have it in portrait mode rather than using the present square or shot a full size photo vertically so that you can do adjustments later.

For your next vacation, use these tips and take your photos to the next level.

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